New posts in french

What is the meaning and etymology of "cod-French" accent?

Another name for a cheval de frise

"à la" + masculine

What is the meaning of "pet au pair"?

Seeking etymological explanation of card game Euchre based on its spelling

Is there an equivalent for the French "Bonaldi effect" in English?

Antonym of "crème de la crème"

Why isn't portmanteau spelled portemanteau?

Is it "en route to" or just "en route"?

Does the whole always "comprise" the parts of something, and not the other way around? [closed]

Translation of « débrayable » for camera modes and automatic software processing

Polarly opposite connotations of 'head'?

How to pronounce bechamel the English way?

English equivalent of the French custom "l'apéro"

A French Phrase Similar to "Expertise"

'Parasitic' Phonemes

usage of the term "bete noir" [closed]

Pronunciation of foreign words by foreign speakers

How to translate "Facéties de Descendre" from French in the context of a board game?

Relaunch or Raise [closed]