How to translate "Facéties de Descendre" from French in the context of a board game?

I'd like to translate a card from a French board game. In particular, I'm interested about one of the names of the abilities. Now, I'm not a native English speaker, but I'm pretty sure that the official translation is incomplete and too literate:

  • "Humour Noir" was translated to "Black Humour", while I believe the correct phrase would be "Dark Humor".
  • "Facéties de Descendre" was translated to "Descendre Pranks". As far as I know, "Descendre" does not function in English. After basic translation, it would seem that it roughly means "pranks in descend".

French and English Djaul cards

The character itself is a demon that "descends" to fight the mortals.

Now, the game is known for its puns and wordplay. I suspect that the ability name was supposed to sound like "decent pranks" or "indecent pranks", although I'm not sure if it's originally a pun name in French. With that in mind, I have 2 questions:

  • What would be the correct literal translation of the ability name?
  • In your opinion, what would be the best translation in this context to preserve the pun (if there is one)?

I've thought about "Descend Pranks", "In-descend Pranks" or "Pranks in Descend", but I'd like to hear your opinions.

Black humour is the dictionary version (e.g. Cambridge) of humour noir. The link to Wikipedia's article on Black Comedy in LPH's answer gives the origin of the term.

As for "Facéties de Descendre", I'd suggest using a play on the word 'low'. 'Low' usually refers to height, which would tie in with 'descending'. It can also mean 'not honest or unfair', which works well as an adjective to describe a prank or trick.

"Low pranks" would indicate pranks which are unscrupulous or dishonest.

"Low cunning" or "Low trickery" would be slightly more commonplace phrases indicating dishonest deceit in general.

There is no pun involving "descendre" and "decent"; it is so far fetched as to be sound very dull.

1/ The traditional term is "black humour" (ref. 1) and "dark humor" is a relatively recent synonym (ref. 2).

The Wiktionary (ref. 3) does not list "dark humor" but only "black humor" for which the synonym chosen is "black comedy". However, a distinction is made between "black humour" and "gallows humour"; that latter term is not to be confused as a synonym of "black humour", on the contrary of what is claimed in Wikipedia (see ref. 1).

  • Black comedy, also known as black humour, dark humor, dark comedy, morbid humor, or gallows humor, is a style of comedy that makes light of subject matter that is generally considered taboo, particularly subjects that are normally considered serious or painful to discuss.

2/ The basic idea seems to be concerned with a matter of level and that is what the word "descendre" (to descend) implies, a change in the level from a given point to one situated lower. However, "descendre" also has the meaning "bring down by means of a blow", "kill", and as a fight is being talked about in the card one might wonder whether there couldn't be innuendos concerning that. More knowledge about the game is needed. Nevertheless, for a translation near the plain meaning I'd chose "descending" and not "descend": neither "descend pranks" nor "in descend pranks" is correct English.

  • Descending pranks