Which sentence has the better grammar?

Solution 1:

This question is not specific and may attract adverse comment from some reviewers. I answer on the assumption that you brought books from the library rather than bringing a table.

1b and 1d are therefore wrong because they refer to a table that you brought from the library.

1c is faulty. It should read “I brought back from the library books that I hurriedly placed on the bedside table. “ It is also awkward because it needs punctuation but it is not easy to place the desirable comma or commas.

1a is correct and unambiguous. You placed books on the table. Which books you refer to is made clear by having the clause describing them “... which I had brought back from the library”

2a is ambiguous. Who is made to feel better? Patients or doctors?

2b is ambiguous. “… their business” might refer to nurse, doctors or patients.

2c is the best. There is no ambiguity.

2d is cumbersome, repeating “job” unnecessarily.