New posts in germanic-languages

What is Germanic about English -- and incomplete list. Can others add things I missed?

Answering a negative question with one word

Andrea - (fe)male name

What's the English cognate with German "Stick" and Dutch "stik"?

Why the structure "was born", and not "is born" like in many other languages?

Seeking etymological explanation of card game Euchre based on its spelling

Why is the passive voice more prevalent in English than in other European languages? [closed]

History of the non-rule that proscribes ending a sentence with a preposition [duplicate]

What is the inverse of schaedenfreude? [duplicate]

Why are spoken and written English so different? [duplicate]

Etymology of English "Achoo" relative to other sneezing onomatopoeiae

How to pronounce Lich [closed]

What is the difference between these two "scip"s?

palatization of y- from *ga-

Pluralization of Germanisms

Where does the phrase "on end" come from?

Are there any Germanic cognates to "lithe"?

Where do “‑ess” and “‑ine” suffixes come from?

Which native English speakers are linguistically the most "germanic"?

Why did Old English use C while other Germanic languages used K?