New posts in language-formation

Keeping the spelling 'Kristtorn' while sounding like 'Kriston' - possible with diacritics?

Why the structure "was born", and not "is born" like in many other languages?

Right format for time of day when corresponding with Germans

English Word Hunting [duplicate]

Use of should in the sentence provided

"Please think to send me your solution by next Friday. " Is it correct? [closed]

Opposite of writer's block

Are there any visual phrases similar to "struck a chord"?

"merits"and "demerits" &"strengths" and "weaknesses"

Difference between "aim" and "purpose"

Is the word 'the' unnecessary in the English language?

To what extent do English words sound like what they describe?

What's the origin of the second-person 'we'?

Are what-cha and arent-cha examples of elision?

Is Yiddish a creole language? And if not, what is it?

The use of question formation in non-question phrases?

Doesn't English have vowel harmony?