My question: Is there any word in English (generically speaking) that have something like this:

In our language (Filipino), there's some words that if you subtracted or added a character to it will give you different meaning for example:

PAKANANG = Right part of 'PAKANAN' = Turn right PAKANA = Command / Mastermind PAKAN = Healt / Interest PAKA = Mollusk PAK = Wonderful PA = Father

English definitely has words for which adding a letter gives a new unrelated word, and adding another letter gives another new word. I would imagine many languages do.

To, Tom, Tomb and Go, Got, Goth are two examples. I'm not aware of any cases that have as many as six words like in your example, but perhaps they exist. Here's a chain of five:

me - the objective case of I

met - past tense of meet

meth - common slang term for methamphetamine

metho - Australian term for methylated spirits

method - way of doing something

I've only given examples of letters being added at the end, because that's what your own example did, but there will be more possibilities if adding letters at the beginning is okay.