New posts in gender-positive

How would one address a female priest in the Anglican Community?

What are the female and gender-neutral equivalents of ‘henpecked husband’

Pair like man/woman but clearly for sex not gender [closed]

What is the female equivalent of "warlock"?

Is it widow or widower in a same-sex marriage?

What are existing gender-neutral words for various relatives? [closed]

Is there a male equivalent of "dowager" with regard to British titles?

English terms for a female wolf and a female owl?

Is "to scold" gender-specific?

What is the woman version of the “straight man”?

"cologne" and "aftershave" for "fragrance for men"

Is "widower" the only word that adds a suffix for men?

How to refer to males and females in a trans-positive world? [closed]

Where do “‑ess” and “‑ine” suffixes come from?

Why does using "women" as a modifier work but "men" doesn't?

Feminine equivalent to mate

Replacement for "brethren" to refer to mostly female group

Addressing a person by occupation

Why are some English nouns referred by "she" but never by "he"? [duplicate]

Is there a male equivalent of 'bitch'?