Solution 1:

It has been clarified in the comments that the precise goal here is to find a generic insult that is applied only to men, in the same way that ‘bitch’ is applied only to women when used as a generic insult.

As such, I would suggest dick(head), douchebag, wanker (mostly UK English), or prick.

These are all quite generic terms of abuse that don’t imply or focus on anything in particular about the person at whom abuse is being hurled (unlike, say, ‘idiot’ or ‘moron’, which focus on the target’s intelligence, or lack thereof), but are unlikely to be used towards women.

Edit to add:

As noted in the comments, these can have more specific meanings than being just generic. If you say that someone is being a dick about something, that usually implies that they are acting in a condescending, obstreperous, arrogant manner. This nuance is absent if you simply use the words appositively to a pronoun, i.e., say “You dick!” to someone.

Solution 2:

In most general sense, "bastard" can be an equivalent and it seems like the most universal term. (even in some other languages)

As in "You bastard!" versus "You bitch!". But there can still be different senses between them. It depends on the situation.

From Etymonline:

use as a vulgar term of abuse for a man is attested from 1830

I even found passages that support my answer from publications of professional people.

From the book "Emancipatory Movements in Composition: The Rhetoric of Possibility" By Andrea Greenbaum (2012):

enter image description hereenter image description here

From the book "The Anatomy of Swearing" By Ashley Montagu (1967) (Note: Even ~50 year ago, there is the same idea)

enter image description here

There is manwhore also for an equivalent of the original sense:

(slang) A man who sells his body for money; a male prostitute.  

(slang) A promiscuous man who has no regard for his sexual partners or the emotional value of his relationships.

Note: This is more of an equivalent of "slut" in modern usage. Slut is even used for men sometimes.

Wikipedia also says: (for "bitch")

Its original use as a vulgarism, documented to the fourteenth century, suggested high sexual desire in a woman, comparable to a dog in heat. The range of meanings has expanded in modern usage.

There is even the term "man bitch" according to urbandictionary. (Note: This usage is not common though.)

A man that acts like a bitch. Malicious, unpleasant selfish person; especially like a woman. Weak or comtemptible.