English equivalent to Spanish idom "to discover America/the Mediterranean"

In Spanish we have got an ironic expression which is: "You've discovered America!" or "He thinks that he has discovered the Mediterranean Sea" to say that someone has said something obvious or well known as if it were novel or original.

Is there any equivalent idiom in English?

It's common in modern American English to refer to someone who makes such obvious statements as "Captain Obvious", as if they are a superhero whose super power is stating obvious facts. A common usage of the term is "Thanks, Captain Obvious."

There is always the ever-popular "No shit, Sherlock", for when someone points out an obvious fact.

"Golly, gee, wow Batman!!" is occasionally used, but has a less specific meaning.

And there are various others, such as "I'll notify the Nobel committee!"

You don't say!

Hold the front page!

Well done Einstein!
