New posts in gender-politics

Heteronormative for nuclear family structure?

A less sexist alternative to 'mansplain'? [closed]

Pair like man/woman but clearly for sex not gender [closed]

Can it ever be acceptable to use singular “they” with a specific referent of known but undisclosed gender?

Is there a politically correct way to speak about reproductive health, justice, etc., which doesn't unnecessarily gender the issue?

Is there a hidden meaning to the name "Coraline Cake" from the suffragette cook book?

What would be another term for a person in their 50s and 60s other than "boomer" or "Gen-Xer"?

What is the gender-neutral way of saying “gentlemen’s agreement”?

Is Amanda Gorman a poet or a poetess? [duplicate]

Should we use "man" or "woman" to describe someone who identifies with female, but with male sexual physical appearance? [closed]

How can one include all people in one's written and spoken language irrespective of one's gender identity(s)? [closed]

How to refer to males and females in a trans-positive world? [closed]

Proper usage of trans-theory terms [closed]

Eve-teasing... are such words used only in the country of origin

What does "queer" really mean these days?

"Homosexual" or "Gay and Lesbian"? [closed]

Gender neutral alternative to Sir/Madam

Word for a Person Skilled in Handicraft

Is there a word for "extreme feminism"?

Alternatives to the expression "poor man's <noun>"