New posts in hailnames

What is the female synonym for the word "buddy" [duplicate]

I use "man" referring to male friends...what should I use when talking with a girl?

What would be a gender neutral form of address as a highschool teacher? (British English)

Why do guys call each other “man”? [closed]

On the capitalization of familial honorifics

Dad, auntie, nana, grandpa, etc... What is this group of words used as informal family nicknames called?

Gender neutral alternative to Sir/Madam

Is there an informal, singular equivalent of "Guy" to refer to women? [duplicate]

Addressing a person by occupation

How derogatory is “chicks” when used to refer to women?

What is a feminine version of "dude"?

Is "dude" becoming gender neutral? [duplicate]

In North America, is it normal to address children you don't know as "honey"?

Is there a word for colloquial forms of address?

"you're alright, mate?" to a stranger. American equivalent for "mate"

How do you say "Come on, man" to a woman?

Is "guy" gender-neutral?

What is a feminine version of 'guys'?