New posts in kinship-terms

Heteronormative for nuclear family structure?

Addressing several doctors in a salutation [duplicate]

Possessive apostrophe for owner of owner of owner of

Word for sibling's sibling-in-law? [duplicate]

My sister's husband's parents in relation to me [closed]

"I'm my own grandpa" – is there a word for this?

My father's first wife [closed]

youngest of his siblings [closed]

Name for relation between a man’s two wives?

What's the adjective to the word "sibling" [closed]

Are there specific words for the siblings of my brother-in-law (or s.i.l.)? [duplicate]

Is it proper to use 'stepmother' in this case?

Spelling of Vietnamese names in formal context

Is a *by-law* the same thing as an *in-law*?

Child who was cast out but ended up succeeding?

Is there a word for a nurse-family position?

What do you call your grand-father's brother? (grand- v great-) [duplicate]

Referring to my husband as my son's dad?

What are the parents of your uncle's wife called?

'my eldest son'