Is there a word for a nurse-family position?

Unfortunately, many people find that a member of their family at some point becomes so ill that you have to become a nurse to them. Is there a word for this sort of nurse-family rôle in which family members are forced to take on the responsibilities of a close relative?

I'm thinking about the relatives of those with dementia or such diseases where the patient stops being able to act for themselves.

Family caregiver — Wikipedia

Relatives, friends, or neighbors who provide assistance related to an underlying physical or mental disability but who are unpaid for those services.

From Net of Care,

There are different types of family caregivers: Parents, Adult children, Spouses, Family members, Neighbors, Friends, etc.

Regardless of how you became a caregiver, you are about to take on a new role for which you may not feel prepared. It is normal for you to feel nervous or overwhelmed about what is expected of you. You may experience a number of mixed emotions including anxiety, anger, and sadness. At the same time, you will probably feel the desire to care for your loved one the best way you can.

Carer — ODO

noun (UK) A family member or paid helper who regularly looks after a child or a sick, elderly, or disabled person
"The main carers are family members and friends, and they require adequate support."

See also, caretaking vs caregiving on Google, to learn about the differences between the two.