New posts in double-possessive

Possessive apostrophe for owner of owner of owner of

Alternative for double genitive in "the author's master's thesis"

Are both these sentences grammatically correct? [duplicate]

"Your or someone else's" or "Yours or someone else's"? [duplicate]

A friend of John's / John's friend

Isn’t the expression, "I'm not inclined to be a supporter of Newt Gingrich's having served under him for four years” confusing?

St. John's greatest dinner: how to indicate a possessive of a noun which already ends apostrophe - s [duplicate]

Double possession dilemma: should I say “your” or “yours”?

"A friend of Susan" vs. "a friend of Susan's" [duplicate]

Are phrases of the form "A <possession> of <name>'s" grammatically correct?

Why 'a friend of mine' is not 'my friend's friend'?

Question Regarding Possessives with ('s) and (of) [duplicate]

Why do you say "friend of mine" instead of "friend of me"?

Why use apostrophe-s to denote possession when using 'of'

Why is "our today's meeting" wrong?

Why do we say "of mine/of his" instead of "of me/of him"?

Plural possessive with separate possessions

NPs containing double genitives: "this harassment of her of yours"

Possessive of a word that is already possessive

Why is it usually "friend of his", but no possessive apostrophe with "friend of Peter"?