New posts in possessive-pronouns

"me's" when referring to another version of you?

What does (its) refer to?

Is it possible to use 'me' as a possessive in English sentences? [duplicate]

Can object pronouns and possessive pronouns be used side by side without a preposition? [duplicate]

Confusing "it's" with "its" [closed]

When can you omit using s after possessive nouns?

Can dummy "it" occur as possessive "its"?

"Your or someone else's" or "Yours or someone else's"? [duplicate]

Combining demonstrative and possessive pronoun

You're both of us' child / You're both of our child / You're both of ours child - Why are these all ungrammatical?

Pronoun Case: When I was a child, Grandpa was unhappy with (me/my) excavating his rose garden in the hopes of finding dinosaur bones

Mass of people its/his/their

The use of possessive pronouns in phrases like "I don't know my geography" or "He certainly knows his Star Wars"

Noun following "everyone's" [duplicate]

Should I prefer "my" or "our" when the object (a kid, a house) is "co-owned" by two people both present?

Double possession dilemma: should I say “your” or “yours”?

Possessive Pronoun or Possessive Adjective? [duplicate]

Why don't we use an apostrophe to denote ownership on 'it'? [duplicate]

His/her vs their after using "each one" (for individual-focused meaning)

Is the possessive "its" or "their" after "all of the country's states and territories"?