New posts in dative-alternation

Question About Diagramming

Can object pronouns and possessive pronouns be used side by side without a preposition? [duplicate]

Confusing syntax in sentences with indirect object complements

Is it still an indirect object if you're taking something away?

Any difference between "give five dollars to him" and "give him five dollars"?

"to throw someone something" vs "to throw something at someone"

Why does a pronoun as the predicate of an indirect object (e.g. "I gave her it") sound wrong?

Since the rules do not forbid “I brought him him”, can I therefore say it that way?

Is expression "It does us no harm." grammatically correct?

Indirect object pronoun before direct object

Is it correct to say, "Send it me?" [duplicate]

Why is it correct to say "He came and said something to me" but not "He came and said to me something"?

How to tell if something is a core complement or a non-core complement?

Why "answer me" but not "answer me the question"?

What are some give-type verbs that cannot undergo straight dative alternation?

Which one is more appropriate to use: "send you" or "send to you"?

Is "Whom did you give the book?" ungrammatical?

Direct and Indirect Objects with the verbs: Give, Buy, and Bring

"I gave him + INDIRECT OBJECT" vs. "I gave + INDIRECT OBJECT+ to him"

What's wrong with "I'll open you the door"?