New posts in saxon-genitive

Adding a possessive to a singular noun phrase that ends in a plural noun

One's or ones possesive noun or not? [duplicate]

How do you make a phrase possessive? [duplicate]

For the reader's convenience

"Brazilian's army's ammo supply": is it right to use apostrophes on two consecutive nouns like this?

Saxon genitive and "et al."

How to Construct an Unambiguous Joint Possessive that Follows a Verb?

Are there nouns that undergo no change when used in the possessive (Saxon genitive)?

Apostrophes in a list of people

"Moon's Land " or "Land of Moon"? [closed]

Word choice: Gent, Gent's or Gents? [duplicate]

Do I add " ’s " after the number on a pope/king’s name? (e.g. Pope Paul VI’s)

You're both of us' child / You're both of our child / You're both of ours child - Why are these all ungrammatical?

A friend of John's / John's friend

Is the noun "device" correctly used as a modifier in the phrase "the device box"?

"Whomever runs it's" or "whomever runs its"?

Saxon genitive to identify algorithms, methods, techniques, theorems,

When do we use "of" rather than " 's" to show possession? [duplicate]

When did possessive *it's* fall out of favor?

"your and Mr X's publication" vs. "you and Mr X's publication"