New posts in possessive-determiners

him/his - what is the right one and why? [duplicate]

Referring to something belonging to a goblin: is it "its" thing or "his" thing? [closed]

'my picture' - ownership vs. depiction

Gerund usage in sentences [duplicate]

"My" versus "me" in this context? [duplicate]

"his" usage in Victorian English [duplicate]

Which one of these sentences is better? A thesis title - Apostrophes Showing Possession [closed]

What is the possessive case and the objective case of "ye?"

Is (the reason ) "is his expecting otherwise" grammatically correct? [duplicate]

"Our Today's Meeting" or "Our meeting that is scheduled for today" [closed]

What do you make of the quoted paragraph below?

SAT question, pronoun "their" [closed]

Question about dual possesive nouns [duplicate]

Is the possessive "its" or "their" after "all of the country's states and territories"?

Is “her” a possessive or an objective pronoun in “A mother takes care of her children”?

Usage of the gerund preceded by the possessive adjective/determiner?

Using of "him" in a Sentence [duplicate]

"Its" as a Possessive Pronoun

Preferred way to apostrophise in case of dual or multiple ownership by distinct entities [duplicate]

a brother/sister of mine - one of my brothers/sisters