Which one of these sentences is better? A thesis title - Apostrophes Showing Possession [closed]

Sentence 1 : The comparison of Muhammed Bedruddîn Mahmûd el-Aynî’s "Şerhu Süneni Ebû Davud" and "Umdet'ül- Kârî" books

Sentence 2 : Comparison of the "Şerhu Süneni Ebû Davud" and "Umdet'ül- Kârî" books of Muhammed Bedruddîn Mahmûd el-Aynî

Sentence 1 comes to me as more appealing and looking better. However, I am not sure which one is better for academic writing

In a comment, John Lawler wrote:

When you're already using apostrophes to represent non-English phonetics or spelling, using an apostrophized possessive in addition is a risk.

My suggestion: Comparison of Şerhu Süneni Ebû Davud and Umdet'ül- Kârî by Muhammed Bedruddîn Mahmûd el-Aynî. The italics are important, to distinguish the works from the author's name, all of which will be unfamiliar to an English-speaking audience, who don't know Turkish from Arabic.