New posts in demonstratives

Should I Use “these” or “those” When I Refer to Something in the First Sentence?

Is it correct to say: These are not homework? [duplicate]

"This boys hat": Ambiguity of demonstative with possessive

Is "that which" grammatical in the sentence "I have that which I should have told you summers ago", and if so, how?

Confused about When to Use “these” and “those” [duplicate]

Regarding " this"and "it"

Combining demonstrative and possessive pronoun

Usage question about plural pronouns [closed]

'Her company is outperforming those of her competitors'

How many demonstrative pronouns are there really?

Difference in meaning between 'the' and 'that'

Is "those" a demonstrative pronoun or a demonstrative adjective in this sentence?

how to avoid duplication when object becomes subject in second half sentence: X has an Y, and this Y does Z

Are “this” and “next” demonstrative determiners?

Should I Use “These” Books or “Those” Books [duplicate]

"This" vs "that" [duplicate]

“These days are over” vs. “those days are over”

What is the difference between "this" and "that" in "How much is this/that watch"?

In answering a telephone call, why do you say "Who is this?" instead of "Who is that?"

What's the difference between "these" and "those"?