New posts in vocatives

"Madam President" vs "Mrs. President"

What's the subject in "You, go to the store"?

What is the vocative expression we can use to attract the attention of someone whose name or surname we don't know?

What case is used for pronouns in the vocative?

Omitting commas in brief statements

What is the difference between a vocative and an epithet?

The vocative case and comma splices

On the capitalization of familial honorifics

Dad, auntie, nana, grandpa, etc... What is this group of words used as informal family nicknames called?

Is ‘USAers’ just an ordinary English word today?

ending a statement with a name

Comma issue: noun of direct address in the middle of the sentence after conjunction

Should I put a comma after "Thank you"? [duplicate]

Where did we get "buster" as in "Look here, buster"?

Ad­dress­ing boys and girls dif­fer­ently in (Vic­to­rian?) English schools

vocative comma when talking

"Happy Birthday sir!" or "Happy Birthday, sir!"?

Do you always have to put a comma before someone's name? [duplicate]

Addressing a person by occupation

Why can I use 'guys' in the plural but not in the singular vocatively