New posts in correspondence

Better way to say "responsible for official public written communication"

Is "attentioned" a word?

How do you refer to a signatory before they've signed a document?

How to use current standards to write a 'per procurationem' letter [closed]

Do I capitalize "sincerely" in a correspondence signature?

Is it okay to use the word "letter" instead of "e-mail" regarding to e-mail correspondence?

An alternative valediction to "godspeed" wishing someone success in a venture

Word for descriptive complimentary closes in letters

Which one is correct: please find the attached file or please find attached the file? [closed]

How to use "We require to know" or " We need to know" in an official correspondence?

Is it correct the correspondence between probably/surely and should?

Should I put a comma after "Thank you"? [duplicate]

Acknowledge vs Noted

Response when your boss thanks you [closed]

What term is used for the closing of a letter?

Tendency of using pronouns 'she/her' when talking about a random person