New posts in politics

What is a word/phrase that could be defined as “the conflict between individual liberty and the public interest”?

Hypernym for "coalition" and "opposition"

Word for saying something that people want to hear

Synoynms for 'minister' (in a political context) that do not imply leadership of a ministry or department?

'Androcracy'/'gynocracy' are hyponyms of, and 'oligocracy'/'oligarchy' is a hypernym of, what term?

what does "line ministries" mean?

Is the English language used by the European institutions the British one?

Is the expression ‘a legitimate rape’ logically appropriate and viable? [closed]

Two meanings of word "government" [closed]

Phrase for advocacy group having a disincentive to achieve its stated goal?

A word or phrase for making a process more difficult, as a means of discouraging or preventing somebody from completing the process

what did Mr. Tester mean by saying to Dennis Muilenberg that you are 'pivoting' in the Congressional testimony of 737 Max?

"Politics stops at water’s edge" -- meaning

Is there another word for bipartisan to mean all parties?

Why do newspapers use the terms "women voters" and "women candidates"?

Origin and evolution of the term "deep state" in political discourse

Meaning and etymology of the "Rhodesia Solution" [closed]

Is there a hidden meaning to the name "Coraline Cake" from the suffragette cook book?

What did Bannon mean when he said that Rice "operationalized" the NSC? [closed]

Who is ‘another champion’ in President’ Obama’s speech "The biggest corporation don't need another champion. You do."