I'm looking for a word (or expression) that is a hypernym of coalition and opposition. I want to be able to ask a party whether its "type", for lack of a better word, is coalition or the opposition without using that word:

— What is your [type]? — Coalition.

Solution 1:

I would suggest one of:

  • bloc: a group of countries or political parties with common interests who have formed an alliance
  • faction
  • affiliation

There are also a couple of general terms that might also suit:

  • side
  • camp

They can perhaps answer the question:

Which ____ do you belong to? – Opposition.

Solution 2:

Since this is a binary choice, a party can either be an opposition party or a governing (coalition) party, I would go with affiliation:

Party affiliation:  ☐ coalition (or government)
                    ☐ opposition

Solution 3:

I believe the term you are looking for is (party) standing or (party) status. At least that is the term used here in Canada.

What is the Tories' standing in Parliament? They're in government.

What's the status of the Liberals? They're in opposition.

This may be a Canadianism, though. There are rules, for example, on when a party attains major party status and with that certain kinds of public funding.

A Google search shows that at least 'party status' is used in the US as well.