New posts in singular-they

What's the right possessive pronoun for "nobody"? [duplicate]

Singular "they" in 1954

Singular they = general they [duplicate]

"They is" or "They are" [duplicate]

Can the epicene personal pronoun “they’ be used regardless of semantic gender of the word?

Can it ever be acceptable to use singular “they” with a specific referent of known but undisclosed gender?

Are there any studies to see if singular "they" is too confusing to use?

Usage of "she" instead of "he" for inclusiveness [duplicate]

What does “themself” mean? [closed]

Stack Exchange profile: “This user prefers to keep an air of mystery about them” [duplicate]

Rewrite this grammatically troubling movie poster

What should we fiil in in the blank? [duplicate]

What are the most popular gender-neutral pronouns that aren't the same as other contemporary pronouns?

How to avoid sexist language? [closed]

Can "a person" be used as plural? [duplicate]

The right possessive pronoun for "one"? [duplicate]

Whoever had the lice, they're dead now

Why are "he", "she", and "it" distinct in the singular, but all "they" in the plural?

She/he to refer a user [duplicate]

Should this noun be plural or singular [duplicate]