New posts in singular-they

Speaking about someone of unknown gender [duplicate]

Is "Each person should do their own work" really not logical to say? [duplicate]

Using “she” with gender-neutral nouns

Using singular "they" for an animal

"Themselves" or "Themself" in a singular context? [duplicate]

“These stuff” vs. “this stuff” [closed]

why is "their" the wrong usage in this sentence?

Is the singular "they" acceptable in formal writing? [duplicate]

What the function of the pronoun"it" here, does it refer to the contractor because the author did not know precisely what the contractor's gender is? [duplicate]

User: She, He, She or He, or They? [duplicate]

Is the formation "[s]he" overly distracting?

What is a proper gender-neutral form of himself or herself [duplicate]

Can the feminine pronouns be gender-neutral? [closed]

Gender neutral reflexive pronoun — equivalent to "himself" and "herself"

Use of they as singular [duplicate]

Does grammar become tricky when ‘she is’ becomes ‘they is/are’? [duplicate]

'Him or herself' v. 'himself or herself'?

Should I use "his/her" or "its"? [duplicate]

Can "his/her" be replaced by "his"? [closed]

Why isn't "it" used in place of "he or she", "he/she", "s/he" etc.?