New posts in distributive-determiners

How to close a note to more than one person and their family? [duplicate]

Singular or plural (when referring to one occasion representing other occasions of the same kind) [duplicate]

Is it "a sombre look" or "sombre looks" when there are many people having (a) sombre facial expression(s)? [duplicate]

Triple noun, plural and ownership apostrophe [duplicate]

Why do distributive adjectives mostly take a singular noun while quantitative adjectives mostly take a plural noun?

Universal quantifiers

“doesn’t it”/“don’t they” with “every” as a determiner

Singular or Plural after plural subjects [duplicate]

Should this noun be plural or singular [duplicate]

Enumeration with "all"

Should a noun after the determiner *their* take in the form of singular or of plural?

"They're using a cell phone" vs. "They're using cell phones"

Do you pluralize the singular possessions of / items or people associated with individual members of a plural group?