New posts in quantifiers

Clarification regarding substitution in sequent calculus

One in five don't care [duplicate]

Proving $\forall x[p\vee\Phi(x)]\Longleftrightarrow [p\vee\forall x[\Phi(x)]$, where $p$ does not contain $x$ as a free variable

What do you call the set definition part of a formula?

Understanding the meaning of $\forall,\exists$ rules in sequent calculus.

What is the scope of the quantifier "some"?

Trying to understand Sequent Calculus inference rules for quantifiers $\forall$ and $\exists$.

Why is the "finitely many" quantifier not definable in First Order Logic?

Ninety percent... was or were? [duplicate]

Meaning of "$\exists$" in "$\{y \in Y : \exists x \in X \text{ such that }f(x) = y\}$"

Romeo and Juliet "Which then most sought where most might not be found" [closed]

How to notate the universal quantifier when applied to an equation?

IS or ARE, when do you use one or the other? [duplicate]

Existential quantifier question $\forall x \forall y(P(x)\land P(y) \implies x=y)$

What is the so-called eigenvariable or parameter in natural deduction?

Why negating universal quantifier gives existential quantifier?

"I hope there is no error in my essay" vs "I hope there are no errors in my essay?" [duplicate]

"length in bytes" vs "length by the byte" and "paid in hours" vs "paid by the hour"

Problems teaching introductory logic. Is this a statement? "If x is an integer, then..."

What is the quantifying determiner for durian/jackfruit?