New posts in predicate-logic

The truth value of $(P):(\exists m \in \mathbb{Z}) (\forall y\in \mathbb{Q}) : my\in\mathbb{N}$

Proving $\forall x[p\vee\Phi(x)]\Longleftrightarrow [p\vee\forall x[\Phi(x)]$, where $p$ does not contain $x$ as a free variable

When do free variables occur? Why allow them? What is the intuition behind them?

What are the rules for the use of dots rather than parentheses in logical formulae?

Founding mathematics from a set of axioms.

In what sense is propositional logic "zeroth-order logic?"

Completeness and Incompleteness

Kees Doets's definitions of logical consequence

Equivalent categories are elementarily equivalent: Formalization?

Need to translate into symbols "Someone in this class has done Data Structures”?

Problems teaching introductory logic. Is this a statement? "If x is an integer, then..."

Is the "domain of discourse" in axiomatic set theory also a "set"?

Question About Null Quantification Equivalences

Nested Quantifiers true or false

Converting to Prenex Normal Form

Natural deduction from non-first-order premises

Find a L-sentence which is true in a structure $M$ iff the universe $A$ of $M$ consists of exactly two elements

Theory of definitions

Is there a definition for free and bound variables in logic?

Which logical rules are used in combining universal quantifiers with same conditional