What is the quantifying determiner for durian/jackfruit?

What is the quantifying determiner for the tropical fruit 'durian'/'jackfruit'?

For instance:

I ate one durian

It is unclear if the person is eating the entire durian by themselves or just one part of it.

I ate two seeds of durian

When someone said that, generally, we understand they don't mean eating the seeds literally. However, is there a better way to say it? What do you really use in English instead of 'seed'? (I couldn't find any instances of 'seed of durian')

Solution 1:

You can use the term bulb (aril) to talk about the edible part of a fruit like the jackfruit rather than the word seed.

I ate two jackfruit bulbs.

Solution 2:

You can also use "pod" which is how people might more commonly refer to the durian fruit sections.

For example in How to Open a Durian Fruit by Faith Durand:

See the “pod” coming out of the husk? That’s the edible part.

in Durian from www.specialtyproduce.com:

Inside the fruit are about five oval compartments or pods, each filled with soft, ...