New posts in quantifiers

Is “the most amount of {countable things}” ever an acceptable replacement for “the greatest amount of {countable things}”?

Is the Lyapunov stability definition ambiguous?

Difference between "plenty of money/friends" and "a lot of money/friends"?

double negation to statements contain several quantifiers

negating nested generalized quantifiers

Single-word quantifiers for "zero or more"-like cardinalities

Do native speakers actually "feel" the difference between the following sentences?

First order logic issue with the truth and scope of quantifiers

Why is it "less than 9" and not "fewer than 9" when we're talking about exam marks and scores?

Quantifier + comparative - so much drunk or so much drunker

"I hope you all/both are doing well" vs "I hope you are all/both doing well"?

Is there a difference between using two vs one universal quantifier for two variables?

Which logical rules are used in combining universal quantifiers with same conditional

First-order logic: nested quantifiers for same variables

What is the classification of the words such as "group of", "bundle of", "number of" and also the right form of verb after using this words?

Capturing Quantifiers and Quantifier Arithmetic

Is it possible to convert $\forall$ quantifiers to $\exists$ quantifiers without negation?

What set of formal rules can we use to safely apply Universal/Existential Generalizations and Specifications?

"any of my X" vs "any X of mine"?

"Amount of boxes" vs "number of boxes" in non discrete graph