New posts in premodifiers

How do you determine if a pre-modifying past participle is a verb or an adjective? [duplicate]

How to determine the number of the noun phrase 'a world of + plural noun'?

"Amount of boxes" vs "number of boxes" in non discrete graph

Grammatical number of "a specified number of people" [duplicate]

"a food-hygienically acceptable substance": Grammatical syntax?

Subject verb agreement for "A greater number of"

Confusing rule about subject-verb agreement

Grammar questions on the usage of "some" and "some of the" [closed]

Is 'the majority of' singular or plural?

Difference between "lots of" and "a lot of"

There is / There are

A number of philosophers believes [duplicate]

Half doesn't or half don't?

"A lot of ideas" is or are?

"There is a plethora..." or "There are a plethora..."? [duplicate]

"A variety of X is" vs. "a variety of X are"

A battery of tests is/are

Is "a total of 10 payments" singular or plural?

"Amount" vs. "number" vs. "quantity"

A number of questions "has been" or "have been" asked?