New posts in relative-clauses

Limitations of Subordination and Nested Clauses

"stopping to refill his cup when she did"

Can you always replace "that that" with "which that"? [closed]

Antecedent of "it" in "dropped the amulet into the bag and hooked it"

She or her in a relative clause where she is both subject and possessor

The correct usage of "which" [duplicate]

Is it necessary to end the sentence after "of which", "to which", etc. with the word linked to proposition?

Do you put a comma after an introductory clause if it's a part of a dependent clause?

"We" vs. "Us" at the beginning of an objective clause

When do you use 'that' and 'which' [duplicate]

Does this sentence "it doesn't meet the blind's need who want to read." make sense? [closed]

"Why is it that..." relative clause? [closed]

Is 'unsightly experience' correct way of explaining seeing some ugly thing [closed]

Relative clauses: integrated, restrictive, non-restrictive, supplementary

Ands and Commas

Romeo and Juliet "Which then most sought where most might not be found" [closed]

Successive relative clauses

Is this relative clause correct? [closed]

What is a relative pronoun's referent when it follows a prepositional phrase?

Is it a correct sentence? ('How' sentence) [closed]