Is 'unsightly experience' correct way of explaining seeing some ugly thing [closed]

I would like to know if I say ' I had an unsightly experience on my morning walk today', would this sound correct? I want to explain how I saw something so ugly on my walk today that it ruined my walk. Thanks.

Unsightly means unpleasant to the sight. An experience, good or bad, generally involves more senses of perception and a very bad one may cause a sense of fear or danger. A bad experience may involve an unsightly and dangerous place, for instance.

Unsightly is a gentler way of saying ugly. Often something that is described as unsightly sticks out like a sore thumb in an otherwise attractive environment.

  • A yard full of weeds and broken-down cars in a well-groomed neighborhood is unsightly. Magazine advertisements highlight products that promise to remove or hide unsightly blemishes and scars, restoring your skin to its previous beauty.
