New posts in relative-clauses

Relative pronoun "that" with "the only" in the antecedent [duplicate]

appositive relative clause or adjunct of reason/cause?

Grammaticality of 'that' relative clause in phrase beginning with possessive pronoun [duplicate]

With which meaning [closed]

Which-clause functioning adverbially

Is it "That's the family that is moving in..." or "That's (they're?) the family who is (are?) moving in..."?

Negating both the primary verb and a relative clause

.. or .. which ... - does the which apply to both options?

have or has after who in sentence? [duplicate]

Grammatically correct use of whom vs who [duplicate]

Confusion Between Which vs That [duplicate]

What is the grammatical function of "which" in this sentence? [duplicate]

Help reworking a sentence to make it less ambigious

Comma or semicolon to separate a list from 'which'

Can I replace "that is/are (supposed) to" with just "to"?

In "set of reasons that" what does *that* modify?

Relative clause “which” and “that” - what is the difference in this case?

Confusion about usage of "who" in a relative clause [duplicate]

The way which you should hold them

Using "that" before a preposition