New posts in relative-clauses

Is "of which" a proper way to begin a relative clause? [closed]

a relative pronoun/adverb as an adverbial

Does the word "that" refer to "your car" or "the key"?

Grammaticality of "On which hand it is worn should not make the slightest difference"

Is 'what' both relative adjective and relative pronoun?

Is this participle clause sentence correct? [closed]

"Tools are a sound investment that result in..." or "...that results in..."?

Does the word "that" refer to "features" or "windows 9x"?

{The} four Americans{,} who had returned from the island{,} fell ill

Is this usage of 'for which' correct?

I've found <somewhere/some place/a place> where

Is this grammatical? "You are who I love."

proper usage of "used to" when designating a change in name

Identifying the antecedent of an integrated(restrictive) relative clause

'Until which' as relative clause

Do we need to explicitly mention the antecedent in an attributive clause inside another one, both describing the same antecedent?

Relative pronouns after prepositions: is it okay to use them in speech?

Why is 'which' the correct relative pronoun in this sentence, and not 'when'..?

Use of negative present participle

Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people's thinking