New posts in relative-clauses

She invited me to go with them, which I'd quite like to (do)

What does the phrase "it has been" mean in the sentence?

"I saw the girl, who is standing outside our house"

"He was playing when he fell" or "he fell when he was playing"?

Do I need another 'which' in this sentence?

of which confusion

Why can the relative pronoun be omitted?

For then - does it exist? [closed]

How can "that" refer to a word when there are some other words between them

those who(m) he thought were guilty

Relative pronoun where vs which usage

keep it inside your body, where it belongs [antecedent of 'where']

Do I need an extra "about", or does one suffice?

You'll know afterwards, when I get mad. [Analysis of 'when']

Is a non-restrictive relative clause a subordinate clause?

How do I identify "infinitive clauses/phrases" and "subjects"?

What is the subject of the relative pronoun of that?

How to know if a past participle form used in a sentence is the adjective for the next word or not?

How to choose between "which" and "that"? [duplicate]

Relative clause introduced by an adverb