Relative pronoun where vs which usage

The ABC hotel, ______(a relative adverb/pronoun) Felix had suggested to me, was really a nice place to stay.

I wonder if both "where" and "which" are correct here. In my opinion, both "where" and "which" are suitable because the hotel can be seen as both "a place that Felix recommended" (since the hotel is later referred as "a good place") and "an option that Felix recommended".

However, the correct answer in a test is "which". Can anyone help me?

Solution 1:

I wonder if both "where" and "which" is are correct here.

No. Where is only an adverb. "Where" equates to "in which [place]" or "at which [place]" both of which are prepositional modifiers.

Only which is correct.

In this context, "which" is a relative pronoun and the direct object of "suggested".

Compare, "I stayed at the Ritz, where (at which place) John had booked me a room." Here, "where" acts as a conjunctive adverb.