New posts in complements

Indirect complement or postmodifier in NP

Is this that-clause a complement?

Complement or object?

Why can I vary the position of the noun phrase only in certain sentences?

Can 'smart home' and similar phrases be adjectives if followed by a noun, or do they become complements? [closed]

How to understand the "of somebody" part

How to use the word difficulty correctly [duplicate]

"They reported being told to..." Trying to explain

Structure after All/What with predicative complement

Grammar confusion, why without -ed [duplicate]

Subject or subject complement

Complement of digress?

The way which you should hold them

Is this a predicative adjunct?

Is 'to resign' an object or subject complement in 'The teacher wishes to resign'?

Is this sentence missing a noun?

What kind of complementation for "be regarded"?

Grammar analysis: why is "Fufu" in the following sentence object complement rather than direct object

it's important that he... -- it's important for him to

Temporal Participial Phrases