New posts in participles

"Continuing" vs. "continued"

Is this the correct explanation of the difference between "excited" and "exciting", "bored" and "boring", etc?

Participles - Past simple + Simple continuous or past simple + past simple?

Past participle

"stuck" vs "sticking" vs "stick" - Why is this third sentence weird? Issue of: Participles or Aspects?

Example of a Verb that is NOT a participle

Future Active Infinitive

"I'm not being" or "I'm not been"?

'eliminating, publicising, communicating, allocating': Are these words gerunds or participial adjectives?

"I hate Jill singing those songs." = "I hate Jill when she is singing those songs."?

What are possible semantics of participle constructions?

Why are people leaving out the indefinite article 'a' before seemingly random nouns? [closed]

'Starting' in March [participle or preposition]

The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket _______ the desert

open-minded gramatically

What part of speech is "surrounded" in this sentence?

Gerunds vs Participles

What is the true pronunciation of "participle"? [closed]

Dangling Participle and Gerund

"Complicated" or "complicating"