New posts in deverbal-adjectives

Is this the correct explanation of the difference between "excited" and "exciting", "bored" and "boring", etc?

What is the difference between rebellion attempt and attempted rebellion? [closed]

'eliminating, publicising, communicating, allocating': Are these words gerunds or participial adjectives?

"equalable", "equalizable", or none of them?

So, "The company's meetings are scheduled" means "someone schedules them (regularly)" or "someone is scheduling them (right now)"?

Is "labeled" an adjective or not? [duplicate]

Word order of participial modifiers and proper nouns

Adverbial adjectives [duplicate]

In "Nobody was surprised at John being absent", is "being" a present participle modifying "John" or a gerund whose subject is "John"?

Difference between participal adjective and relative clause

Is "rumored" a verb or an adjective (a participle adjective)?

How can you tell when a participle is being used as an adjective? [duplicate]

Is "He is risen" Correct?

When can verbal passives be used in secondary predicates?

"He is loved", is 'loved' an adjective or a verb? [duplicate]

verb or adjective in "The blue page is *stapled* to the red page"?