New posts in participles

Non-finite verb forms function

Participle phrase; is the grammar correct?

"Undaunting faith and courage"--Is this usage correct?

When is it correct to start a sentence with a participial phrase?

Is “workingest” used as often and casually as “hardest working” and “the most hard working (or industrious)”?

To use a participle or an infinitive? That's the question

Does a comma always separate the nonfinite clause from the main clause? [duplicate]

How to say Lie/Lay [closed]

How can infinitives, participles, gerunds.. act?

"I met him(,) sitting on the chair(,) and talked to him." Who was sitting on the chair?

Paradoxical participle [duplicate]

Temporal Participial Phrases

Is it grammatically possible to change the result clause in a conditional sentence to a participle clause? [closed]

You need your eyes testing

participial phrase placement [duplicate]

Dangling modifiers in sentences involving "Looking back"

Rescue dogs vs rescued dogs

Adverbial modifier with the insertion of comma

Why call them infinite/finite verbs?

"Sour cream" versus "soured cream"