New posts in progressive-aspect

Present simple or present continuous?

Is the "is being employed" bit in this sentence grammatical?

Headed or heading?

"I am starting learning xyz"

Is "be wearing" improper English?

"I'm not being" or "I'm not been"?

What is the difference between saying "I wasn't knowing" and "I didn't know"? [closed]

The board writes well. He walks the dog [duplicate]

Why do people use present tense when they are quoting someone? [duplicate]

Am I RICEing my injury?

"Be" as an action in the past or as linking verb

Achievement Verbs with the Progressive Aspect

"He has been learning to swim" implicates that he doesn’t know how to swim

"When I last saw him he was dying, but now you'd hardly know he'd been ill"

The real tense of "I'm going to be talking about"

"By clicking submit you agree..." or "By clicking submit you are agreeing..." [closed]

Is "considering taking" grammatically correct?

“When will you be leaving” vs "When will you leave"

Future Perfect with the preposition 'since'

Progressive 'have'