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Which is correct? Why?

Solution 1:

In my opinion, both are equally correct.

But the second one is a more polite way of saying it.

Solution 2:

Of those two sentences only the first is grammatical. The correct form of the second would be

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The "are" + "-ing" form of verbs takes place within the action or in the moment. It requires two points A and B in time, between which the action is ongoing.

Solution 3:

I agree with Born2Smile. Continuous tenses are designed to indicate an activity or process in progress at a certain time; that is not the case here so the present simple is better ...you agree....

There is a growing tendency to use the present continuous inappropriately, and I detest this tendency with a vengeance. I found the following a while ago:

When risk trades are in vogue, silver is rocketing higher alongside of the rest of the commodity complex. When traders are avoiding risk and jettisoning the risk trades in favour of bonds or cash, the entire commodity complex seems to be following the exact same path as silver, namely down.

Personally, I would not use the -ing ending even once in this paragraph.