New posts in acronyms

Conversion of all-cap acronyms to first letter only; when did NASA become Nasa? [duplicate]

How should "UNC" in the context of networking be pronounced?

What is the rule for composing two words, when one of them is hyphenized or has spaces?

Why is there no space between U. and S. in U.S. Government? [duplicate]

What is the correct definition and usage of the acronym "ETA"? [closed]

Is an acronym a word?

"a" or "an" before MoU [duplicate]

Do I use an apostrophe if I'm referring to several medical IVs? [duplicate]

The recent trend of saying the acronym instead of the sentence/phrase is stands for

Which punctuation should be used for spelling out acronyms?

Use of caps for zip code

Am I RICEing my injury?

Why is WFM used for "working from home"?

Inquire the usage of article in this context [duplicate]

"Subject Matter Expert" [closed]

Is there "BFU" acronym meaning 'Stupid Average User' (expressively) in English IT slang?

Apostrophe after first use of acronym [duplicate]

What could we call a "market for predicting decisions"?

Is there a word for an acronym that spells an existing word? [duplicate]

"VIP" and the acronym fad of the '30s.