Is there "BFU" acronym meaning 'Stupid Average User' (expressively) in English IT slang?

Have you ever encountered given initialism denoting 'Brain-Free User', as opposed to 'power user / geek / nerd / IT professional'?

If so, do you consider its usage 'widespread', at least in your closest circles?

Any archived proof (article, blogpost, discussion, mailgroup) with its occurrence welcomed.

(My research suggests it is common only in a small local community, but to be sure Iʼd like to get qualified feedback.)

Solution 1:

I have used (and heard used among colleagues) the term id10t (pronounced ai-dee-ten-tee) for such people coming from the old slang for a user error. While I don't know if this term is truly widespread, I think that the term "id10t error" is widespread enough that most IT insiders would pick up on the meaning right away.