New posts in compounds

What is the rule for composing two words, when one of them is hyphenized or has spaces?

Somewhere, somewhat, somehow, [duplicate]

Why is it incorrect to say/write "I want to know today weather" instead of "I want to know today's weather"? [closed]

Can the period be dropped in "vs" when used as part of a compound modifier?

Meeting room or meetings room [duplicate]

‘Dog issue’: a compound or a noun phrase?

Nonsmoking or Non-smoking [closed]

How to form a word to represent "drawing quote ideas"?

Do you read the 'c' in 'kc'?

"Four window layout" or "four windows layout"

Term for creating a fantasy word from all letters of two existing words?

"Project's status" or "project status"

Various mails in chain [closed]

What are the two parts to a compound word?

What does 'Reno-era' policy mean?

Trade marks or trademarks?

Englishman or English man?

Is there another word for a "large family" or "small family"?

What is the opposite of the ending "-cide" (as in "suicide", "pesticide")?

How should one make "man in the middle" plural?