New posts in compound-words

‘Dog issue’: a compound or a noun phrase?

What is the grammatical construction behind the word "climbing" in the phrase "climbing wall" or the word "running" in the phrase "running" shoes?

Word request: what's a startup-like synonym for the word "grapevine"

General way to describe words like "understand", based on archaic senses of their component parts

time-consuming vs time consuming?

Why is it "wherever" instead of "whereever"?

How is 'compound noun' defined in CGEL?

Combining open compounds using hyphen in enumerations

Why "Coronavirus" is written without space? shouldn't it be "Corona virus"? [closed]

Difference among Show as, Show with, and Show by

Is there a general rule for the usage of hyphens in compound words?

What is the difference between a portmanteau and a kenning?

Should hyphenated compound words be permitted to break across lines?

Time in the morning for breakfast/time for breakfast in the morning?

“Half an hour” and “half hour” adverbs

Doubling of the letter 'p' when compounding two word [closed]

Joining two words to make a single word

What do you call the track made by two wheels?

Which spelling should I use: "grass roots" or "grassroots"?

Can a compound modifier include a verb or be a sentence?