"I'm not being" or "I'm not been"?

I'm not been able to make up my mind


I'm not being able to make up my mind?

Which one is the correct sentence? Why is it correct and why is the other one incorrect?

Edit 10/09/2012: What if I'm talking about a present action? Like: "I'm not been able to make up my mind now, so I'll try to decide it later.

Solution 1:

Neither is correct. Acceptable alternatives include:

  • I've not been able to make up my mind.
  • I'm not able to make up my mind.

If you expand I'm to I am, the wrongness of your examples becomes clearer.

Solution 2:

As other people have written before me, neither example is correct and the most likely change to the sentences you provide is: "I have not been able to make up my mind."

The second sentence is incorrect because of the verb you have chosen (to be able) which cannot be used in the continuous form. However, the expression I am not being is a correct form if you need to create a passive sentence in the present continuous tense. For example, you may wish to use it to say "I am not being waited upon properly. I'll complain to the hotel manager!" (I don't think you'll have many opportunities to utter such a sentence, but you never know...)

Solution 3:

Neither is correct. I have not been able to make up my mind or I've not been able to make up my mind are the two alternatives.