New posts in nonfinite-clause-complementation

What does 'fungus-growing' mean?

"I hate Jill singing those songs." = "I hate Jill when she is singing those songs."?

Can prepositions be 'subordinators'?

Should this verb be in the third-person singular form, the infinitive form, or the present participle form? [duplicate]

'watch her run' vs 'watch her running' [duplicate]

The gerund and its complementation

What tense is used for "go" in "you see it go away"? [duplicate]

I didn't see him go there/I didn't see him going there [duplicate]

"I have you returning the car."

Why do you only conjugate the first verb? [duplicate]

Terminology: Definition of the term "direct object"

I could see them run towards the shop; I could see them running towards the shop [duplicate]

"I miss seeing her dancing" or "I miss seeing her dance"? [duplicate]

Correct usage of "see" vs. "watch"

Non-finite clause complementation of complex transitive verbs

"Heard me [infinitive]" vs. "heard me [present participle]"